If your child goes missing (from a variety of reasons-kidnapping, abduction, run-away), it is important to have the right information to give law enforcement authorities for them to immediately begin a search. The most important tool that law enforcement has to find them is up-to-date personal information, and the best way to provide this is in a completed child ID kit. Once you complete a kit, keep it in a safe and easily accessible location, and update it at least annually.
There are several cases where missing children were recovered because their parents had a Child ID Kit. In one case, a father abducted his son after a bitter divorce, and his mom gave the police his Child ID Kit. His fingerprints were entered into a missing child database, and, many years later, when he applied for a driver’s license, his fingerprints hit and he was found. When he was abducted, he was too young to understand what had happened. There have also been run-aways who were found when were later arrested for crimes they committed; some had been forced into prostitution against their will. The good news is, they were recognized as run-aways and intervention was available to get them back to their parents.
Obviously, it is more important to prevent a missing child situation than to find a child.
- Make sure your child knows your phone number.
- Tell your child to stay where they are if they get separated; you will come back looking for them.
- Make sure you child knows to ask for police or a store employee if they get separated from you.
- If missing, search the home thoroughly. Teach them all hiding games are over when you say so.
- If missing, immediately contact law enforcement, and provide them an up-to-date Child ID Kit. Ask them to issue an Amber Alert.
- Report your missing child to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at 800 THE- LOST (800-843-5678) as soon as possible.
A free Child ID Kit may be downloaded at www.NationalProtective Services.com under the “Downloads” tab.
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